
Winter Driving Safety Checklist

Cars driving during heavy snowfall

Now that winter is officially upon us, we at JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP want to provide you with a few reminders for safe winter driving.

Before heading out in unfavourable weather conditions, it is important to ask yourself whether the trip can be delayed, but if you must head out please keep the below in mind.

Here is a checklist of some important items to keep in your trunk in case of emergencies:

  • Salt, sand and/or cat litter, in case your vehicle gets stuck in the snow
  • Anti-freeze and windshield washer fluid
  • Battery jumper cables
  • Spare tire, wheel wrench, and jack
  • Warning devices such as lights, bright markers or road flares
  • Snow shovel, broom, and ice scraper
  • Flashlight
  • First Aid kit
  • Blankets for protection from the cold, along with extra clothing and footwear
  • Phone charger
  • Water, food, and any necessary medication for longer trips or when driving in lightly populated cities/towns.

Ensure that you have winter tires to make driving through snow and ice safer. It is important to check your tire pressure every few weeks and replace tires that have uneven wear or insufficient tread.

In case you get stuck in a storm, snowbank, ditch, etc., it is very important that you do not panic. You want to avoid overexertion. Remain in your vehicle and slightly open your window to ensure you have fresh air circulating. If you are stopped in the way of traffic, remember to put on your emergency lights and put out the bright markers to notify other vehicles.

It is always a good idea to plan your travel and route ahead of time. Check for the weather, road conditions, and traffic. It may help to leave earlier to give yourself enough time to get to your destination. It is very important to maintain an extra safe distance between all vehicles, as it is more difficult to come to a quick stop in snow and/or ice.

Last but not least, we encourage all drivers to maintain at least a 50% full gas tank. The last thing you want is to get stranded in poor weather conditions with low fuel.

We hope that you keep these winter driving safety tips in mind this winter. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, please contact JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP for a free consultation.
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