
Understanding Surveillance Practices by Insurance Companies: Your Rights under Ontario Law

Investigator taking photo

In the aftermath of an accident or injury claim, it's not uncommon for insurance companies to conduct surveillance on claimants to verify the extent of their injuries and the validity of their claims. This often involves hiring investigators to follow individuals and take photographs or videos of their activities. While this practice may raise concerns about privacy and personal boundaries, it's essential to understand your rights and the legal framework surrounding surveillance activities in Ontario, Canada.

Surveillance Practices and Legal Considerations:

Under Ontario law, insurance companies are legally allowed to conduct surveillance on claimants as long as it is done within certain parameters and does not infringe upon individuals' privacy rights. However, there are key considerations to keep in mind:

Privacy Rights:

Ontario's privacy laws, including the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), protect individuals' privacy rights.

Insurance companies must adhere to these laws and ensure that surveillance activities do not violate claimants' privacy rights or collect excessive or irrelevant information.


Surveillance activities must be proportionate to the purpose and scope of the investigation.

Insurance companies cannot engage in intrusive or excessive surveillance that goes beyond what is necessary to verify the claim.

Limits on Surveillance:

There are limits to the types of surveillance activities that insurance companies can undertake.

Surveillance should not involve trespassing onto private property, recording private conversations, or engaging in activities that would be considered harassment or intimidation.

Your Rights and Recourse:

As a claimant in Ontario, you have rights and recourse if you believe that surveillance activities by your insurance company have violated your privacy or legal rights. If you believe that you have been unfairly targeted or subjected to intrusive surveillance, consider seeking legal advice from a qualified personal injury lawyer.

A lawyer can assess your situation, advise you on your rights, and help you determine if any legal action is warranted.

File a Complaint:

You have the right to file a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada or the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated.

These agencies can investigate complaints and take appropriate action if they find evidence of wrongdoing.

Document Evidence:

Keep detailed records of any surveillance activities that you believe are intrusive or inappropriate.

Document dates, times, locations, and descriptions of the surveillance activities, as well as any impact they may have had on your daily life or well-being.

While insurance companies have the right to conduct surveillance on claimants under certain circumstances, they must do so within the boundaries of Ontario's privacy laws and regulations. As a claimant, it's essential to understand your rights and the legal framework surrounding surveillance activities.

If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated or that surveillance activities have been conducted unfairly, seek legal advice and explore your options for recourse. By staying informed and advocating for your rights, you can navigate the claims process with confidence and ensure that your privacy is protected. Please contact our team at JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP for a free initial consultation at 1 (855) 546-2525.

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