
Billboard-related Collisions


Last month, in London, Ontario, a digital billboard was impacted by a truck causing it to come crashing down. Luckily no vehicles were impacted but the damage could have been far worse.

The digital billboards over the roadways are owned by the municipalities where the roads exist.

However, the billboards found elsewhere are owned by private companies who typically either own or lease the land where the billboards are located. Then advertisers rent the billboard directly from the private companies or agencies.

Often the ownership of specific billboards is included at the base of the billboard structure.

If you’ve been injured by a fallen billboard, take pictures of the damage on the scene and all injuries. It is then important to report the fallen billboard to the police, either 911 or if not an emergency call the local police phone number.

If you or a loved one have been injured while driving through a construction zone, you may be entitled to receive the help you deserve. Contact us at JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LL.P and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.

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