
Five New Traffic Laws That Are Coming Into Effect On September 1, 2015 That All Drivers Should Know

On September 1, 2015, the Province of Ontario will introduce a new set of traffic laws as part of its efforts to make driving safer in the Province.

The “Making Ontario Roads Safer Act”, or Bill 31, was approved unanimously in June of 2015 and will come into effect September 1, 2015. This means that there will be some new rules for drivers and, in many cases, heavier penalties for breaking them.

Here is a look at the five new traffic laws that will take effect as of September 1, 2015:

Distracted Driving: Fines and demerit point have been increased for distracted driving. If you are talking or texting on your phone, you can face fines up to $1,000.

Pedestrian Crossovers: Drivers must wait for pedestrians to completely cross the road before continuing.

Passing Cyclists: Drivers must give cyclist room – one meter of room to be exact. If you don’t give cyclists room whenever possible or who open a door in the path of a cyclist, you will face sever fines and punishments.

The “Move Over” Law: Drivers must slow down and move to the next lane if they see a stopped emergency with flashing lights vehicle up ahead. This rule also applies to tow trucks with flashing lights on. If you do not slow down and move over, you could be fined.

Alcohol and Drugs: If you are driving under the influence of drugs, you will now face some consequences as if you were driving drunk. That means driver’s license suspension and vehicle impoundment.

Be safe on the roads and remember, if you or anyone you know are involved in an auto accident in Toronto, JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE, LLPis there to help every step of the way.

Call us for a free consultation!

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